Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Life Changing Experience ( first draft)

On the summer of 2006, my life changed completely due to the birth of my baby daughter. It was something extraordinary a mix of feelings rush into my body when I saw her face for the first time. Since then she had affected my life in ways that I never thought someone could. I became more mature, stronger as a person, my goals towards life havechanged, and the most radical change is that I became number two in my life.
I was 22 years old at the time, and as a regular young adult I only cared about
partying, girls, drinks, and drugs, I was really immature to the point that I could drive under the influence and do not care about the consequences; however, just having her around me all the time change me drastically I do not do drugs anymore, party and drink occasionally, and girls well I still the same in that subject. In that year I had five different jobs, I would not last in a job for more than three months. I was constantly fired because I was always late, or probably my bad habit of disrespecting the boss; I have to say my temper and patience were not quite tolerable at the time, but she change all that I joined the military short after she was born giving me a better sense of authority and patience that surprises everybody that knows me really good.
I used to have a lack of self-esteem; I was weak, and I took life as a joke. It was
difficult for me to say no to trouble for example: my friends and I were hanging out in a club and someone could offer me drugs I did not have the courage, or strength to say no. On may 19, 2006, when that little person open her eyes and look back to me it was like a wake up call for me to be stronger, valiant, and determine towards life. She made me believe in myself and; whenever, I am having a crappy day, or when I think there is no solution to a situation in my life; all it takes is to take a look at her beautiful smile, or hear that sweet voice to regain strength and energy to get through that day or find the solution to the problem.
My daughter also changed my goals and ambitions towards life. I am currently in
the United States Navy where I am making a career as an accountant. I never thought
about college before until, my little angel, Genesis was born. I go to Tidewater
Community College pursuing an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts to later go to a four
year college and become a Spanish or History teacher. I am also planning to buy a house in the next couple of years it is hard now because my divorce is not final yet.
The most radical change I had made is that now I am number two in my life; now
before taking an important decision in my life I think about how the consequences would affect her for example: When I am up for orders I try to choose a safe place for her development, somewhere she will not notice the changes that involves moving around from place to place. I remember when my parents used to tell me that they would give their lives for me, or my brothers; however, I did not understand why they would make such sacrifice until she was born, and I became number two on that too; willing to do anything to keep her safe and comfortable.
My daughter is the most important person in my life, and thanks to her I am a
better person. She has changed me in ways that no one else could before. I pray everyday for wisdom and strength so I wont screw up as a father. She is the reason why I want a be better person and I will give my life for her.

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